Saturday, September 27, 2014

What to do with free time?

You ever have that feeling when you are free to do what you want you just cant decide what to do? I HATE that feeling. It makes my skin crawl. I ache all over when I cant decide what to do. Its almost like a mini panic attack,... I guess? I don't know what else to call it but its real. With my ADHD and OCD I usually have to plan out my days to some extent. When plans go awry and I don't have a back up, or if I just have a lot of free time with nothing to do, I freeze. Ill get all mad or mopey, or something until I figure out what to do. Sometimes it reaches the point that nothing sounds like its worth doing, sounds fun. I usually work through it. The meds help. So does Tiffany, so I get through it. Not as bad as it used to be. This weekend I have the place to myself and I'm going to try and use it productively before I have to do more homework. I'm going to draw (something I have not done in a LONG time), I'm going to clean and arrange the guest bedroom, and maybe, just maybe, Ill try working on the Honda tomorrow and get that damn door open! Wish me luck!

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