Saturday, September 20, 2014

Icing on the cake

Today I did something I have never done before. Well, to this extent. I lost my keys! At work! And cant find them! Today started at 7 AM. Got up to go to work at 8. Today I thought would be a cool day since I was going to be a commercial driver. I like being able to get out of the shop and drive the company truck and make deliveries. It really helps make the day go faster and helps put me in a good mood. Well, that got shot down because we only had 6 deliveries all day! So it dragged and dragged. I was able to come home for lunch and spend some time with Tiffany. Also got some homework done. After that I headed back to work. It was slow, but at least we didn't have too many crazy customers. Before my boss left he gave me and another coworker one last task. Just rearranging part of the store. Finally, 5 o'clock came and I clocked out. I go out to my car and my keys are missing off my belt! I look in the car, they aren't in the ignition and of course I locked the car after lunch! So I go back in the store and look everywhere I have been. I call my boss, my other managers, almost everyone. But no luck. No one has seen them. I call the few commercial accounts that I visited today. Of the few that were still open, none had seen my keys. I look for over an hour. I finally concede defeat and get ready to walk home. My manager takes pity on me and throws me his car keys. I at least got home quicker. But I still have no idea where my keys are. For all I know someone has them. Hopefully my car will still be there come Monday because I will have to go to Toyota to get another key made, and possibly change my ignition since the keys are different... Wow. How could this have happened? I have a good day and things seem to conspire to make it turn to crap sometimes... Such is life.

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