Wednesday, September 17, 2014

McDonald's bringing Jesus back?

Have any of you been in McDonald's lately? At least the ones in Springfield? If I'm not mistaken they are all playing christian music. Not that that's a bad thing but with a girl getting suspended from school last month for saying “God bless you” to another student who sneezed in class, it sure seems odd. Everything is supposed to be secular in our modern world. There is no room for Jesus outside His church that we visit once a week if were good, twice a week if were “Bible thumpers.” But here I am sitting in McDonald's on the wi-fi doing homework and Jesus music is playing over the speakers. I go to three McDonald's in Springfield. The one on East Sunshine, East Cherry, and South National. They all play Jesus music. Probably the same owner. I'm not downing it. Its nice to here some music that doesn't involve someone (Miley) twerking and talking about “Junk in the Trunk.” We say “In God We Trust,” on the dollar bill, but you better not mention it outside of church to anyone. With all the wars recently, and the Middle East in upheaval as its been since Israel was given back the the Jews in 1948, and all the irony that goes along with it (My God is the Your God, but I will kill you to make you believe), you would think we would want to profess God now more than ever. But that will get you kicked out of school, or people will look at you like you just said a dirty word. What has our world come to? This is what happens when people forget that there is Someone bigger than them.

1 comment:

  1. Ben - Interesting points. I like that we can all make choices. ~Ms. A.
