Friday, September 19, 2014

Ride to Work = Bliss

I decided to pick up an extra shift today filling in for a coworker from 4 to close. Not a super long shift. About right for me for the most part. Instead of driving to work I decided to ride my bike. It was perfect weather for it and Im all about saving money so I got a chance to save gas! Its about 2 miles to work. So its a nice distance without getting all sweaty. Well I got off about 20 minutes ago and decided to take the long way home. Im sitting in front of the Brentwood library typing this after I returned some library materials. Its so peaceful out. Well, other than the people with motorcycles and cars with fart cans on them. This is something I get to do rarely so Im trying to enjoy every minute. I'll probably just meander home after this and enjoy the cruise. I got lights on my bike so people see me. For the most part they are respectful, but there is always that one car that passes too close or honks their horn at you like you are in the middle of their personal driveway. But I don't let it get to me. Bicycling is one of those things to me that nothing else can compare to. Its my own piece of the world, even if Im surrounded by 130,000 people! I get to unwind after bad customers, crazy coworkers and just have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I like seeing the picture of your bike. It helps visualize the things you are describing. I like how you are just sitting in front of the library watching the world around you. I like to do that myself every once in a while. Sounds like a relaxing evening after work to me.
