Thursday, September 11, 2014

My New Bike

I wasn't sure what to write about today. That's how it is most days. So I'll write about my new bike. Its an Orbea Occam full suspension mountain bike. I traded in my Cannondale CAADX cross bike for it. It is technically a "demo" and therefor used, but it was never road before the bike shop got it since its on the relatively cheap end of bikes no one wanted to ride it, instead riding the much more expensive bikes. That's fine with me. It means it didn't have any dings or scratches before I got it! its my first mountain bike, and so its a new aspect of biking that I didn't have much experience with. So here is what I have learned in the last few months:

Mountain biking is fun! instead of just riding around the same old streets, you are out on trails in the woods.

The woods are beautiful! I don't know how many deer I have seen.

Mountain biking is really hard! You don't just sit on the bike and pedal. You have to make the bike move to dodge roots, trees, the occasional rider who isn't paying attention, and other mobile objects. Plus the climbing sucks!

Going down is better than going up! Flying downhill on a 3 foot wide trail is much more fun than climbing the damn hill to get there.

Its dangerous! From said flying downhill and dodging things. I have busted my knuckles so far. one of my friends got a bruise that ran down his side and back from falling 7 feet and landing on a fallen tree.

Bugs like to eat me! Bug spray is a God send.

People that ride mountain bikes are more fun than those that ride road bikes! Most anyone on a mountain bike seems to be really laid back and fun. People on road bikes are obsessed with speed and weighing their food.

Being part of the local club is really fun! It gets you out of the house and you get to have beer with them when you are done riding or building a trail.

There is no end to the season! If you don't care what the weather is, you can experience so many different things. Riding in snow is way different than riding on dirt.

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