Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Two days off...

So I have been off work for two days. Well, actual work. Not school though. I worked at AutoZone all Labor Day weekend. It wasn't to bad. But there was stuff I would rather be doing. Like i said yesterday, one of those things was Mountain Biking. Today I planned on getting up early and cleaning some of the house.

Instead I overslept until about noon and then had to hurry to get ready for appointments. Had to drive across town to the pharmacy, then drive back to the other side for my appointment, then drive back over to the pharmacy because they didn't have all my meds ready the first time! I was mad, and it showed.

Now I'm on Blackboard wondering about my other job - school. I'm in a Business class and we are to make a business. Makes sense right? Well that all well and good, except some people aren't participating. It really is messing with my mental well being. I'm at odds. Part of me, well most of me, is asking myself why I signed up for online classes. So far its been a disappointment.

I first got the idea because my boss said if I could free up my schedule he would give me more hours. Well then he needed me to free up Wednesday which is a no go. So understandably I didn't get the increase I wanted. Not his fault. He really tries to help. But it was a major let down for me.

Now I'm stuck in online classes. Oh sure, I could still drop them. But Ill lose my Pell Grant money that went toward the classes, such as the technology fees. I cant drop out this semester because I need to the loan money to live because of the lack of hours at work. But maybe if I did drop out my hours would increase?

That's dangerous thinking. I keep telling myself that if I drop it will only get worse. It will make it harder to come back next semester, my loans will come due, just all kinds of bad juju. So I'm staying with it. The one positive thing to come out of this online semester is this Blog. I have never liked to write, but this has helped. It helps me clear my head as well. Problem is deciding what I should and should not say!

Wow, two days off, and this is what I have to show for it!

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