Sunday, August 31, 2014

Assignment 2.4 - Typology and Writing

My Jung Typology is ENFJ. That in itself sounds complicated. Looking at my results to me it says I'm a muddled mess. But that's a good thing, right!?

The first E says I'm moderately extroverted (56%) over introverted. This is surprising to me in some ways. I always saw myself as the the go getter. I would usually end up taking control of group assignments and carrying the load. This was not always by choice, and I think that's where the introversion comes in. I don't like to always be in control. It makes me nervous at times to think that everything rests on my shoulders. I believe this is part of the reason I have trouble starting papers or other big assignments. I'll pace and pace, going over idea after idea until deciding on one. But once I get going watch out! I do agree that I am very charismatic. In fact my ability to be liked by others has helped me in the work place. It helped me get a job after not having a job for quite a long time, and has kept me valuable in the work place. I am cluttered at times, and not just at home. My brain is constantly turning, sucking in new information like a black hole, but there in lies the issue. My mind races so much that I have trouble completing things and following directions at times, often starting something many things and failing to complete them. I self-sacrifice to a point that is unhealthy, helping everyone before myself. This has lead to trouble in the past and I'm currently on medication, which I think is helping but only times will tell.

The N stands for using Intuition over Sensing (25%). I like to learn how to do things but then don't like to learn how to do it another way. This is common with the way I work on cars, draw, work, etc. When I must learn how to do something it can take quite awhile to get it right if I have done it a different way before. But my intuition has helped me more than hindered me.

This is also where Feeling over Thinking (38%) come in. I also believe this is tied to my intuition. I believe It has kept me out of trouble, helped me think rationally when emotions are running high. People often turn to me in crisis and I can usually help. But when its something close to me I wind up panicking and frozen, not know what to do.

I am also Judgmental (11%) over Perception. I approach life in a very structured way. I want to have every plan laid out and struggle with change. I am usually able to get still get things done but it will sour me for the rest of the day. If plans I have been waiting for get canceled I find it devastating. I find myself very judgmental of others. I expect a very high standard and wind up disappointed over trivial things. To the point of hurting people, sometimes intentionally with what I say. I lack a filter between brain and mouth and I have no poker face. I am primarily Irish and my emotions run very high. So combined with Feeling I can be impossible to deal with and be around.

I am learning from this test that as a writer and student, I need structure but I don't need the rigidity of a concrete box. Not everything has to fit in place. This severe rigidity has rendered me frozen at times. I need to learn to flow. A current has structure – its headed in a certain direction, but when something blocks its path it doesn't just freeze, it finds a way around and continues on its course.

But from my experiences and the and the fact that I like being in different situations stands in stark contrast to structure. I enjoy being in the moment, feeling, seeing, smelling – using all my senses to enjoy life. It also helps my writing because once the flow starts it keeps going – perfect for free writing!

Although this test contrasted some things more than I thought they would be, I learned that the majority of what I thought is correct. This helped shed light on some problem areas that need more attention. I did have fun with this assignment. Its like a miner chipping away, trying to find the gold beneath. Every answer sheds a little more light on myself.  

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