Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Reflection

Here we are, a month or so after we started our Blogs for class. I got to say as a whole I enjoyed the assignment. In the beginning this assignment was mostly about free writing and learning how to let my thoughts flow onto paper more effectively. As time went on and I learned to let my thoughts, both good and bad, flow, I started to be able to turn the assignment into my own journal. I used the daily Blogs to share what was going on in my life as best I could. Not every day was a good Blog, but I tried to at least hit the base line. Some days I had writers block so I just wrote whatever I managed to get out (mostly complaints about whatever happened that day). My biggest complaint I have and have voiced repeatedly is having to do this daily. It got in the way of other homework, and I believe one reason I turned in my essay late. I was so hung up on getting these posts in I forgot my essay was due. I know, no excuse, but my memory isn't perfect. I can only cram so much in there at a time and retain it. I would have enjoyed it more if it was every other day, or if I could choose to write a post every now and then and tell about what happened between postings, but I understand the necessity of requiring an entry every day - most people wouldn't do the assignment if we could just do it whenever. I wish that my posts were acknowledged by Ms. A and my fellow students more, so it wouldn't feel like I was alone, but I know its impossible for Ms. A to comment on every post. I do believe I have benefited from it though. My fluidity is much better than it was and I am enjoying writing more because of it. I think my essay benefited from this Blog assignment as well. I also have been able to incorporate some of the writing workshop in my writings, such as using long sentences and punctuation better. I will continue to Blog for the rest of the semester. It wont be every day, but I will continue to write. I like being able to share with my class what is going on, even if no one reads it. I think it will continue to help me improve my writing ability if I stay with it. So here ends my last official Blog post. Hurrah!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, and honest, reflection. You should be pleased with what you have accomplished this semester and I hope you will continue to write as honestly and clearly as you have practiced. ~Ms. A.
